Gwenllian Lansdown Davies
Board Member
Dr Gwenllian Lansdown Davies
Board member
Dr Gwenllian Lansdown Davies became Chief Executive of Mudiad Meithrin in September 2014. Mudiad Meithrin is a voluntary organisation and is the main provider and enabler of Welsh-medium early years childcare and education in the voluntary sector with 1,000 settings (Welsh-medium playgroups / parent and toddler groups / ‘Cymraeg for Kids’ groups and nurseries) all over the country.
In 2011, she was appointed as a Publications Officer for the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol at Aberystwyth University where she was also responsible for its research journal, ‘Gwerddon’.
After being elected to represent Riverside on Cardiff County Council in 2004, she worked as Office Manager for Leanne Wood MS in the Rhondda before being appointed Plaid Cymru’s Chief Executive in 2007.
Gwenllian studied French and Spanish at Oxford and lived for a while in Galicia and Brussels before completing a MScEcon and PhD in Political Theory at Cardiff University where she also taught.
Gwenllian is a Trustee with the National Lottery Fund in Wales and volunteers at her local Cylch Meithrin on the committee as the Responsible Individual.
She is from Bangor but now lives with her husband and four children in Llanerfyl, Powys.