Organisational information

Practical information for our providers, suppliers and stakeholders when working with us.

Our procurement function ensures Medr achieves value for money when we buy goods and services, ensuring we always follow procurement best practice and current legislation.

Terms and conditions

Unless alternative terms and conditions have been agreed under a framework agreement or contract, our Terms and Conditions of Contract for Purchase Orders apply to all purchases. For more information, please contact the procurement team.

Contact the procurement team Contact the finance team

Data disclosure control methodology

We apply data disclosure controls to aggregated data to prevent the possibility of revealing information about individuals. Each of our statistical publications will explain the data disclosure control methodology used.

Freedom of information

We routinely make a wide range of information available through our website. If you are unable to find the information you are looking for, please contact [email protected] in the first instance.

Request information

We recognise the important role the tertiary education and research sector has in fulfilling the Welsh Government’s vision for a bilingual Wales. Under the Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Act 2022, we have a strategic duty to promote Welsh medium study.

As an organisation, we treat the Welsh and English languages equally in the conduct of our public business in Wales. We also recognise our role in facilitating a bilingual working environment for our people.

We welcome correspondence in Welsh and in English. Corresponding in Welsh will not lead to delays.

We will also scrutinise our policies and plans to support Welsh medium and bilingual education, and consider the impact of our policies on using the Welsh language internally and externally.

We will be subject to the Welsh language standards and we will receive a Compliance Notice from the Welsh Language Commissioner in due course.

In establishing Medr as a new arm’s length body, we are committed to being an employer of choice and an exemplar organisation. We recognise the need for a pay structure that provides value for money; rewarding Medr staff fairly for the work they carry out, whilst recognising our funding comes from the public purse and must be used to best effect. Part of delivering Medr’s pay arrangements in this way requires us to operate on the principles of consistency, transparency, accessibility and affordability, therefore we publish our pay statement, the policy and procedures and Medr’s pay scales to achieve this.

Our values really matter to us, and they help shape the culture of our organisation. Our value cynnwys pawb (to include everyone; to involve everyone) means that we are passionate about inclusion, seeking to create the right conditions for everyone to achieve their full potential.

We also have a strategic duty under the Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Act 2022 to promote equality of opportunity.

Medr Strategic Equality Plan 2024-2028

We are subject to the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, and we will outline our commitment to the well-being of future generations through our Strategic Plan.

Our priorities

In accordance with the Environment (Wales) Act 2016, we will consider biodiversity and ecosystems as part of our business planning and day-to-day activities by aligning them with our duties under the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act. We will normally report this through our annual report and accounts.

HEFCW’s final accounts 1 April 2023 to 31 July 2024

HEFCW’s annual report and accounts 2023-24 HEFCW’s accounts laid with the Senedd

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